Yesu anipenda
Yesu anipenda
Yesu anipenda
Neno lake lasema
Fourteen men and women will leave for Tanzania in less than 4 weeks on a work and witness trip to see first-hand the work of kids4school Part of the work we are planning to do is build new toilet blocks at the schools. The facilities are so poor with only 4 toilets for 400 children in some areas. By constructing new toilets at schools like the one shown here at Mchemwa Primary School and by utilising water from the rain water storage tanks, hygiene levels are raised . kids4school is committed to helping children to have clean and safe drinking water and hygienic toilet facilities. If you would like to help financially in construction projects like these you can do so in confidence | |
At kids4school 100% of funds raised goes to the project. | |
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Because these families are so poor and because the rains have failed for several years the children go to school hungry. They may be able to pick a few dried berries or husks from the trees and bushes. No child can possibly learn in those conditions! kids4school provides a nutritious meal each day. It is a simple meal of mielie, a little like our porridge. It's the staple in this part of the world. kids4school has employed several ladies in each school area who makes and serves the food to the children. This costs £14.07 per child per year. What a difference kids4school can make in the life of a child with your help!